Bem, o número 1 vai ter de esperar, porque me apeteceu fazer algo completamente louco. Algo que a ser avaliado por um psi-qualquer coisa (pode ser quiatra ou cólogo) me garantia entrada directa no manicómio, sem ter de passar pela casa de partida e sem receber 2000€ -lembram-se quando era em escudos? Era muito menos. Bem, mas para ser justo, que propriedade se compra com 10000 escudos? A Rua do Ouro? Santa Apolónia?
Ok, só a introdução já não faz sentido nenhum...
Então, passemos à conversa da treta. O diálogo é em inglês, e lembrei-me disto ontem (hoje) enquanto tentava adormecer às seis da manhã. Porque é que me lembrei, é que eu não faço ideia. Deus escreve direito por linhas tortas, eu tenho ideias parvas. Cada macaco no seu galho; eu acho que me divirto mais do que ele a escrever. E pronto, acabei de reservar um lugar no Inferno. Não faz mal, eu gosto mais do tempo quente...
-"Hey Steve, what's up?"
-"M' man, how 'you doin' ?"
-"I'm ok. You?"
-"Same ol', same ol'"
-"Done anything good lately? Haven't seen you in ages."
-"Been reading a lot"
-"Really? You know the "sound of silence" ?"
-"I've heard of it...yeah"
-"You...HEARD...of it?"
-"Well yeah. I never read it"
-"Dude, if it's silence, how did you hear it?"
-"I didn't hear it, I heard OF it"
-"Same thing man. It's silence, You can't hear it"
-"Why not?"
-"It's the absence of sound...."
-"Ever heard of Superman?"
-"Sure, what's that got to do with it?"
-"How fast is he?"
-"Faster than a speeding bullet!?...I guess"
-"Oh, you know plenty bullets that go slow is it? This one is "speeding". All the other ones are taking their time, getting there?!..."
-"There ya go. Same shit, man"
-"Point taken. Never read it, then?"
-"Nope, been sticking to the classics"
-"Yeah. Les Miserables, The free musketeer..."
-"The THREE Musketeers, you mean?"
-"Might be, I'm only in page twelve, I don't know how many they are"
-"No, I mean, the title..."
-"Have you heard of Superman?"
-"Oh I see where this is going again. Moving on...So besides reading?"
-"Not much more, and you?"
-"I'm in college"
-"Really? How is it?"
-"You've never been?"
-"Nah, college and space, I leave to other people"
-"You really should give it a try buddy. There's girls everywhere!!!"
-"You only go to college because it has girls?"
-"Well no. Uh...on second thought...yes"
-"I dig"
-"Ok. Listen, I'm kind in a hurry, can I catch you later?"
-"Sure, give my best to Denise"
-"Who is Denise?"
-"Your wife...?!"
-"Man I don't know any Denise"
-"Steve...Steve Goodwin?!"
-"My name is Paul. Paul Stewart"
-"Why the hell didn't you say so and followed up on the conversation?"
-"First I thought I was going to get robbed, and then I just started liking our little chat"
-"Screw you man!"
-"'re such an idiot. I got you there"
-"My bad man, my bad. Take care"
-"See ya"
domingo, dezembro 16, 2007
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